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American Cancer Society Award for Distinguised Service in the Control of Cancer
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

Awarded to Steven F. Chadwick

American Cancer Society Award for Distinguised Service in the Control of Cancer

From the collection of John Birks

Awarded to Steven F. Chadwick

Mascaux,_Angel-obv-small~0.jpg Deckers,_Anatole_de_Cock_de_Rameyen_-_The_Sower-combo~0.jpg Gies,_Ludwig,_Die_Bombe-uniface.jpg Dejean,_Louis,_Carnegie_Foundation_Heros_of_Civilization_Award,_1909--combo.jpg Chambellan_Rene_American_Cancer_Society_Award~0.jpg Havsteen-Mikkelsen_Sven_Denmark_1974.jpg 67_Palmer~0.jpg Chaplain_Paul_Baudry_Painter_1885.jpg Dantzell, Joseph, Death Medal of Napoleon III, 1852-combo.jpg