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Nikolov, Bogomil, Self Portrait, 1981
This medal is a gift to me by the artist.  Click on "Album List" above to see the gallery of the Bulgarian medallic artist Bogomil Nikolov.
Keywords: Contemporary

Nikolov, Bogomil, Self Portrait, 1981

This medal is a gift to me by the artist. Click on "Album List" above to see the gallery of the Bulgarian medallic artist Bogomil Nikolov.

Nest, 1974, 75 mm.JPG QVO VADIS....jpg otemporadarkwebcopy.JPG BEGINNING, 2004, 120 mm, Brass.jpg ELEMENT 1, 2000, 60X60, BRASS.jpg Belloni, Jose, First Pan American Exposition of Architectue, Metevideo Marzo, 1920--obv.jpg (36)-combo.jpg Lamourdedieu, Vienne Grocers Syndicate Award Medal, 1926-combo.jpg Drabik_A kopia.jpg