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Bushev, Kaloyan, "Fortune", 2010, Reverse
This was one of two winners of the design contest held by Bogomil Nikolov for his students in Sofia, Bulgaria.  The medal was commissioned by Kathy Rowlen as a gift to her husband John Birks on the occasion of their 20th Wedding Anniversary.  The inscription on the back of the medal reads:

"To John
for his love
of medallic art
July 21

Bushev, Kaloyan, "Fortune", 2010, Reverse

This was one of two winners of the design contest held by Bogomil Nikolov for his students in Sofia, Bulgaria. The medal was commissioned by Kathy Rowlen as a gift to her husband John Birks on the occasion of their 20th Wedding Anniversary. The inscription on the back of the medal reads:

"To John
for his love
of medallic art
July 21

Doumenc,_Artemis_and_Cabri,_cast,_uniface-small~0.jpg Sara_H__wax_2.JPG B3_obv_-_B9_rev_copper.JPG Delannoy,_Award_Medal-combo.jpg Bushev,_Kaloyan,_Fortune,_2010-rev-small.jpg Kaloyan_Bushev_TIME_2.jpg Chambellan_Rene_American_Cancer_Society_Award-rev-small.jpg Delamarre_Nessus_and_Dejanira-obv.jpg C-02_Copper.jpg