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Gabriel Monod - Muse, 1904
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

In the style of Yencesse

Gabriel Monod - Muse, 1904

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

In the style of Yencesse

14BiennaleExlibrysu kopia.jpg Terra Vita, Bronze, Edition of 24, 123x123x5mm.jpg Vernon_Marianne_obv.jpg Morlon, A., Liberty Holding Locomotive, Uniface-small~0.jpg Dautel_GabrielMonod-Muse_combo.jpg Morlon, A., WWI Victory Medal-combo~1.jpg Eliscu_AmericanBankersAssn-Eagle_combo.jpg Turin_ThreeNudesPlaque2_obv.jpg Lacashire_60th~0.jpg