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Tribunal de Roubaix, 1888
Reverse by Henri Dubois
Keywords: Alfred Borrel

Tribunal de Roubaix, 1888

Reverse by Henri Dubois

Jovine, Marcel, Creation, SOM Issue #122, 1990-combo.jpg Muz_Azji_Pacyfiku_AB kopia.jpg Chaplain, J.C., Ampere-combo.jpg Simon, Rhone Gas and Electric Company-combo~0.jpg Borrel, A. and Dubois, H.(rev), Tribunal de Roubaix, 1888-combo.jpg Dropsy, Henri, Centenaire de la Foundation de Pont-A-Mousson, 1956-obv-small.jpg Cochet, Tribunal de Commerce de la Seine, 1965-combo~0.jpg THE MADONNA END INFANT  1,2005.jpg SOM#015-combo~0.jpg