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1837 Ascension By Davis
BHM#1807 white medal rareity "R" Rare. By J Davis

31.5 gms. 48 mm.  Comes with and without a hole at the top. Finding the ones without the hole is tougher.

1837 Ascension By Davis

BHM#1807 white medal rareity "R" Rare. By J Davis

31.5 gms. 48 mm. Comes with and without a hole at the top. Finding the ones without the hole is tougher.

Beguet,_Georges,_Centenaire_de_l_Algerie,_1930-triptych-left.jpg Beguet,_Georges,_Centenaire_de_l_Algerie,_1930-triptych-right.jpg Crouzat_WineAllegoryPlaquette_combo~0.jpg Witterwulghe,_L_Effort.jpg viccoronation.jpg Chaplain,_Ferdinand_Frederick_Henri_Moissan,_20_Year_Anniversary_of_Discovery_of_Fluorine.jpg Chaplain,_French_Gynecologist_Dr_Samuel_Pozzi.jpg Chaplain,_Law_of_December_1874_for_Protection_of_Young_Children.jpg Chaplain,_Marianne_-_Conseil_Municipal_de_Paris.jpg