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Sculpture "Desterrado" by António Soares do Reis

Sculpture "Desterrado" by António Soares do Reis

Baskin, Leonard, National Gallery of Art Education Award Medal-obv.jpg Bazor, Lucien,  Homage to the Martyrs of France-combo.jpg Lagos, A., Colonia for the Chronically Ill and Convalescents in Buenos Aires, 1927-combo.jpg Vardanega,_Gregorio,_Diane_Sortant_du_Bain,_after_Boucher_(1742),_ca__1990_strike-combo.jpg Machado,_Sousa,_d_apres_Soares_dos_Reis.jpg Picasso, First Arthu Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition, 1974-obv-small~0.jpg Lefebvre_JourneeFrancaiseSecourNatl_combo.jpg Andrieu_AtheneumVaucluse_combo.jpg Anastase,_Tribute_to_Philosopher_de_Tocqueville.jpg