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350 Year Anniversary of the Founding of Santa Fe
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

Medal designed by Kay Van Elmendorf Wiest and executed by Donna Quasthoff, both of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

350 Year Anniversary of the Founding of Santa Fe

From the collection of John Birks

Medal designed by Kay Van Elmendorf Wiest and executed by Donna Quasthoff, both of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Fraisse,_Angel.jpg Lalique,_Journee_du_Poilu_-_Le_Parlement.jpg Lauer_1903LandwehrMemorial_combo.jpg NYU_HOF,_Sidney_Lanier~0.jpg Quasthoff, D. 350 Year Anniversary of the Founding of Santa Fe-combo~1.jpg Delamarre, History of the City of Paris.jpg Goetz_K256_Fidgety_Phillip-1920.jpg Goetz_Captain_Lehman_and_Hindenberg_Disaster_1942.jpg Beguet,_Georges,_Centenaire_de_l_Algerie,_1930-triptych-center~0.jpg