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La Prévention Routiere, 15éme Anniversaire, 1949-1964
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

This medal celebrates the 15th anniversary of a program to imprve traffc flow and prevent accidents.
Keywords: art_deco_page

La Prévention Routiere, 15éme Anniversaire, 1949-1964

From the collection of John Birks

This medal celebrates the 15th anniversary of a program to imprve traffc flow and prevent accidents.

B3_Copper.JPG Astral Stem.jpg DSCF0066.JPG Jovine_Pegasus-Brookgreen_combo.jpg Turin, Pierre, Traffic-combo~0.jpg Delpech_VilleDeDieppeMermaids_combo.jpg Cochet,_XIIe_CONGRES_UNION_POSTALE_UNIVERSELLE_-_PARIS,_1947.jpg B1_WM_#1.JPG 194_J_Delpech_(5,5x3,8).jpg