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1886 Springfield, Mass. Anniversary Medal
35mm - White Metal

This piece is listed as Storer 1642 in the Numismatics of Massachusetts.  It was struck to commemorate the Bi-Semi-Centennial of the city.
Keywords: storer, springfield, mass,

1886 Springfield, Mass. Anniversary Medal

35mm - White Metal

This piece is listed as Storer 1642 in the Numismatics of Massachusetts. It was struck to commemorate the Bi-Semi-Centennial of the city.

Rada,_LANDSCAPE_2.jpg Clemencin&Morlon_LaChasse_combo.jpg Chorel_Jean_Maurice_and_Auguste_Pollosson.jpg C-19_Copper.jpg 1888_Springfield.jpg Lee_Arthur,_75th_Anniversary_of_Lehman_Brothers,_1925-combo~0.jpg Roty, Colonial Exposition-combo.jpg Dali, Salvador, Adam and Eve, 1975-combo.jpg 1897 Bio Jubilee.jpg