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K425, Henry the Lion, 1929
Keywords: Karl_Goetz

K425, Henry the Lion, 1929

Cecere,_Gaetano,_School_Art_League_of_New_York_City,_1927.jpg Bottee_French_Committee_for_Expositions_Abroad_1899.jpg Dupon_Mercury__Locks_Biplane_1928.jpg Chaplain_Conseil_General_de_la_Seine_1885.jpg Goetz_K425_Henry_the_Lion_1929.jpg Christian III-Obverse-Small~0.jpg Coe, Herring, SOM #75, Beyond the Sky and Beneath the Sea are Known bt to God and Fantasy-obv.jpg Dantzell, Joseph, Death Medal of Napoleon III, 1852-obv.jpg Fioravanti, J., Banco de Italia Y Rio de la Plata-small~0.jpg