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Victor Marie Hugo av by N. Vudrag
Victor Marie Hugo av (1802-1885) portrait inspired by Chaplain. 2012
Keywords: portrait classical contemporary medal bronze Hugo Vudrag vudrag_medals

Victor Marie Hugo av by N. Vudrag

Victor Marie Hugo av (1802-1885) portrait inspired by Chaplain. 2012

HOURGLASS rev, 2000, 80X50, BRASS.jpg Delannoy_YouthHeadAntiquity2_combo.jpg pond_15.jpg Doumenc, Eugene-Batiste, Artemis Medal.jpg Muller,_Louis,_Award_Medal-combo~0.jpg Becker,_Saint_Marguerite.jpg Andrieu,_Marriage_Medal-combo.jpg Bauza__R_and_Tammoro_25th_Anniversary_of_YMCA_1934.jpg Chaplain, Albert Dumont-combo.jpg