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Vienna World Expo Medal, 1873
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Vienna World Expo Medal, 1873

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Thenot,_Le_Printemps,_1932.jpg Thenot,_Le_Printemps-combo.jpg Turin, Scientia-combo~0.jpg Theunis,_La_Musique-combo.jpg Tautenhayn, J., Franz Joseph I, Kaiser of Austria, King of Bohemia, 1873-combo.jpg Spicer-Simson_FearNoMan_combo.jpg Saint-Gaudens,_Chicaco_Expo,_1892-combo.jpg Turin, Scientia-combo.jpg Bauza__R_and_Tammoro_25th_Anniversary_of_YMCA_1934.jpg