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King of France Series, #13, Clotaire III, 13th King of France

King of France Series, #13, Clotaire III, 13th King of France

Coe, Herring, SOM #75, Beyond the Sky and Beneath the Sea are Known bt to God and Fantasy-obv.jpg Berardo,_Vasco,_DUGUAY_TROUIN_(1673-1736)-combo.jpg Charpentier,_The_Painter-combo.jpg 10-Caque,_Clotaire_II,_10th_King_of_France.jpg SOM#017-combo.jpg Coudray, Industry-combo.jpg Alhborn, Lea, Malmo Exposition, 1896-combo.jpg Coudray_Marey_Epernay-Gallia-Military_Horsemanship_Society_combo.jpg Blin_E_Skiing.jpg