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Napoleon - Defense of the Empire, 1814

Napoleon - Defense of the Empire, 1814

Belloni, Jose, First Pan American Exposition of Architectue, Metevideo Marzo, 1920--obv.jpg Penin_1stAid-LyonGeneralDispensary_combo.jpg Somogyi_BenGurionBirthCentennial_combo.jpg Muranyi_1916Funeral-KaiserJosef_obv.jpg Becker_SAINT_VINCENT_DE_PAUL_.jpg Wyon,_P_,_Death_of_Nelson,_1805-combo.jpg Dropsy, Henri, Meditation, 1930.JPG Bazin, F., Paquebot Pasteur, 1939-combo.jpg Dubois, Alphee, Orpheus-combo.jpg