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Jednostronny wzór medalu Pomorska Izba Rolnicza 1926

Jednostronny wzór medalu Pomorska Izba Rolnicza 1926

Cochet_3rd_Philatelic_Exposition-obv-small.jpg Vera Tileva TOTEM  2005  100x60 mm  brass.jpg Birks#005, L_Effort, d_apres Exbryat-2-small.jpg 49_Roty_(5,3x5_cm).jpg Botttee, Louis Alexandre, Marianne Ville Toulouse Award Medal-combo.jpg Charpentier, Alexandre, La Peinture, 1899-combo.jpg SOM#030-combo~0.jpg Rasumny_JesusRedemptorMedal_combo.jpg Petit-G_BelgiumRecoversFromWar_combo.jpg