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Jane Addams, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1968

Jane Addams, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1968

Botttee, Louis Alexandre, Marianne with Rooster-Crested Helm, 19th Century, silver-combo.jpg Belo,_Buffon.jpg Bonnetain, Pour L_Art, 25th Salon, 1923-small~0.jpg Thenot,_Lions,_uniface.jpg NYU_HOF,_Jane_Addams~0.jpg Vernon-combo.jpg Lagriffoul, Flora Tristan-rev-small-~0.jpg Corbin_1968CalendarMedal_combo.jpg De Cuyper, Floris, Jan Van Guysbroeck Memorial Plaque, 1915-obv.jpg