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Morlon, Pierre-Alexandre, Aux Armes, Obverse
Obverse signature: P. Morlon

Reverse Engravure: LE JOURNAL

Edge: 1Argent and "cornucopia" of Monnaie de Paris

Morlon, Pierre-Alexandre, Aux Armes, Obverse

Obverse signature: P. Morlon

Reverse Engravure: LE JOURNAL

Edge: 1Argent and "cornucopia" of Monnaie de Paris

Berthon_SocieteGenerale50thAnniv_combo.jpg ME-1_WM.jpg JAB_35_Sil_WM.JPG Cochet_FrenchNatlAssembly_combo.jpg Morlon, Charge-obv-small~1.jpg Bazor, L, Expo Coloniale Internationale, Paris, 1931-combo.jpg Bazor_Age_de_Pierre_Club_Francais_de_la_Medalle_Grand_Prize_Rome_1923.jpg Vriens,_L_Effort-obv-small.jpg Rodin_Unknown_5_small.jpg