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Tir Aux Pigeons
Reverse by Morlon

Tir Aux Pigeons

Reverse by Morlon

Belloni, Jose, First Pan American Exposition of Architectue, Metevideo Marzo, 1920--combo.jpg Cochet, R., Conference of Paris-obv.jpg Turin, Jean Calvin-combo.jpg Vernon,_F__Centenary_of_the_Cour_de_Comptes_(Court_Auditors),_1907-combo.jpg Baudichon, Tir Aux Pigeons, Reverse by Morlon-combo.jpg Rau, Brussels Exposition, 1958-obverse-small.jpg Renard_IleDeFrance-OceanLiner_combo.jpg Rivet_MusicMedal_combo.jpg Daub, Eugene, Fire and Ice, SOM #121, 1990, combo.jpg