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Recognition of Duisburg's Sacrifices in WWI, 1918
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Recognition of Duisburg's Sacrifices in WWI, 1918

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Daub, Eugene, Statue of Liberty, 1986, ANA-combo.jpg Demi, Henri, Running Medal-combo.jpg Blin, Saint Georges and the Dragon-combo.jpg Aglane, George, Belgian Surrealist Artist Felicien Rops-combo.jpg Bauer_DuisburgCommendation_combo.jpg Canonica_1911TorinoIntlExpo_combo.jpg Davin_GaulishWarriorShootingPlaque_combo.jpg Deschamps_EmileCombes_combo.jpg DeWever&Fisch_VilleDeBruxelles_combo.jpg