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La Manche
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]


La Manche

From the collection of Mark Kaiser


Charpentier,_SOMMET_DE_LA_TOUR_EIFFEL_-_SOUVENIR_DE_L_ASCENSION.jpg Blanchot, Jane L., St Cyr, Memorial Plaque for Gradute War Casualties sine WWI-combo.jpg Exbrayat, Assoc. of Small Industries and French Inventors, 1906-combo.jpg Cochet, Women with Wheat-combo.jpg Chaplain_French_National_Assembly_1906.jpg Dupon, Josue, Colonial Exposition, anvers, 1930-obv-small~0.jpg Goetz_K189_Nikita_s_Daughters_of_Fate_1916_zinc.jpg Rivet, Egalite, Liberte, Fraternite-combo~0.jpg Andrieu,_Napoleon_s_Visit_to_Vienna.jpg