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1887 Victoria Jubilee Wimmerashire
 1887 Wimmerashire Commemoration of Victoria's Jubilee, George Bell President. This is not a recorded medal in BHM hence Quite Rare.

Copper/bronze 10.7gms 32 mm

1887 Victoria Jubilee Wimmerashire

1887 Wimmerashire Commemoration of Victoria's Jubilee, George Bell President. This is not a recorded medal in BHM hence Quite Rare.

Copper/bronze 10.7gms 32 mm

Renard_GaronneFleuve_combo.jpg Renard_LaManche_combo.jpg Renard_LaSeineFleuve_combo.jpg Renard_LeRhin_combo.jpg 1887 Geo. bell Pres Wimmera.jpg Renard_Mediterranee_combo.jpg Poisson_VilleDuHavre_combo.jpg Polonski_WomanInDoubleWindow_combo.jpg Powell_UKRoyalMintMillennium_combo.jpg