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La Géographie - Touring Club de France
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Undated; Reverse by Henri Dubois

La Géographie - Touring Club de France

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Undated; Reverse by Henri Dubois

Chaplain, Music Award, Awarded 1911-combo.jpg Chaplain_LyonCommerceUnion_combo.jpg Delannoy_Infanterie-ReineDesBatailles_combo.jpg Desvignes_NAfr-Mother&Child_combo.jpg Dubois-A&H_TouringClubFr_combo.jpg Lanson_OrleansChamberOfCommerce_combo.jpg Rivet, Egalite, Liberte, Fraternite-combo~0.jpg Lenoir-P&Marey-C_HonneurPatrieTir_combo.jpg SOM#013-combo~0.jpg