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Fifty Year Anniversary of the National Pension Fund - Paris Universal Exposition, 1900
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Fifty Year Anniversary of the National Pension Fund - Paris Universal Exposition, 1900

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Delannoy, After Chapu, Canonization of Jeanne D_Arc, 1920-combo.jpg Blin,_Art_Medal-combo.jpg Benard,_Chamber_of_Commerce-combo.jpg Dropsy,_Emile,_Madonna_and_Child.jpg Huguenin-Dumittan_JoanOfArc_combo.jpg Bovy_A_Chemin_de_fer_Paris-Orleans_1838-combo.jpg Turin, Dr. Charels Buizard-combo.jpg Hebbelnick, A., 1910 City of Ixelles International Festival-obv.jpg Carivaari, Winged Victory~0.jpg