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Confirmation Medal for Eugène DeSchamps, 1851
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Artist is the Father of Alphonse Desaide.

Confirmation Medal for Eugène DeSchamps, 1851

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Artist is the Father of Alphonse Desaide.

Emmel, Claude, Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, 1981-combo.jpg Dropsy-H_ConseilDeL_Europe_R_combo.jpg Dammann,_WATTINNE_BOSSUT_ET_FILS_1837-1937.jpg Debus,_Race_horse.jpg Desaide-Roquelay_1851CommunionMedal_combo.jpg Dubois, Alphee, C.A.P. Rifle Club, Silver-combo.jpg Dupont, Louis, College Saint Servais Liege, 1838-1938-combo.jpg Dammann,_Flute_Player~0.jpg Dupuis, Toon, Dr. H.J. de Dompierre de Chaufepie, 1908-comb.jpg