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HARVENT Rene -  Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans (rev.)
HARVENT Rene (1925-2004 )
1971	Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans - 90 mm
Aetatis suae LXIX - Carpent tua poma nepotes
1940 Secretario societatis belgiquae ophtalmiologiae 1701
Harvent is a Belgian sculptor who made 13 medals. This medal is his opus 12  for which he received the Prix Tourneur in 1973.
I like the beautiful lettering and also the appropriate pun on the appels ("May the young pick your appels") in the name of the famous ophtalmologist.

HARVENT Rene - Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans (rev.)

HARVENT Rene (1925-2004 )
1971 Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans - 90 mm
Aetatis suae LXIX - Carpent tua poma nepotes
1940 Secretario societatis belgiquae ophtalmiologiae 1701
Harvent is a Belgian sculptor who made 13 medals. This medal is his opus 12 for which he received the Prix Tourneur in 1973.
I like the beautiful lettering and also the appropriate pun on the appels ("May the young pick your appels") in the name of the famous ophtalmologist.

Dupagne, Belgian Congo-obv-small.jpg 20061122039.jpg SOM_050-combo-700px.jpg Becker, Edmond (1871-1971)-rev-small.jpg Cochet, R., Federation Nationale de la quincaillerie fers metaux-combo.jpg 32_Theunis_(PREUVE_D_AUTEUR)83x72.jpg 53_Daniel_Dupuis_(7_cm).jpg 1900, Summer, Paris.jpg Semen_StRomuldusCross_obv.jpg