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Jesus - Redemptor, 1933
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Jesus - Redemptor, 1933

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Dubois, Alphee, Ville de Lille-obv3.jpg Simon,_G_,_WWII_Parachutist-combo.jpg GJ5b.jpg Bovy, Napoleon Medal, 1849-combo.jpg 218_J__C__Chaplain_(7x5,7).jpg Aurelio_Jose_Manuel_Inaugeration_of_the_Fishing_Port_of_Pedroucos_1966_combo.jpg 87_A__Morlon_(7,1x6_cm).jpg Longines_Babe_Ruth.jpg Petar Efremov PROPHESY 2000 100 mm brass.jpg