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Coal Mine, ca. 1900s
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Coal Mine, ca. 1900s

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Lauer_1926NuernbergGermanArmy-NavyDay_combo.jpg Devreese, Phillip II of Spain, Brussels Canal, 1955-combo.jpg SOM#085-combo~0.jpg Rau, Brussels Exposition, 1958-reverse-small.jpg Baron_R_B__Societe_Industrielle_de_L_Aisne-combo.jpg K271_At_the_Negotiation_Table_in_1920.jpg Lubray, Inauguration of the Qunta Lezica Gate-obv.jpg Dropsy, Henri, Nymfes et Satyres.JPG Benard, Raol, American Chamber of Commerce in France, 1968.jpg