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Medicine, Award Plaquette
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Undated, probably the 1884 design
Reverse by Béranger Bertrand

Medicine, Award Plaquette

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Undated, probably the 1884 design
Reverse by Béranger Bertrand

Arthus_Bertrand_Marianne.jpg Bertrand,_A_,_and_H__Kautsch,_Labor_Award_Medal.jpg Bertrand,_A_,_Marianne-combo.jpg Bertrand,_A_,_Military_Medal-combo.jpg Bertrand_FrMilitaryPreparedness-Picardy_combo.jpg Bertrand_MarianneRooster_combo.jpg Bertrand-A&B_MedicineAwd_combo.jpg Bertrand, Arthus, Tourcoing, 30th Gymnasic Tournament Prize Medal, 1927-combo.jpg