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Ferium Sidera (Reach for the Stars), Aviation Medal

Ferium Sidera (Reach for the Stars), Aviation Medal

Delannoy, Maurice, Woman with Grapes-small~0.jpg Delannoy, Quarantenaire de L_Union des Cooperateurs, Paris, 2 Juin 1957-combo.jpg Frei, Hans, 400th Anniversary o Basel, 1901-combo.jpg Dropsy, Henri, Nymfes et Satyres.JPG Dammann, Feriam Sidera-combo.jpg Dammann, General EDouard de Curieres de Castelanau, 1926-combo.jpg Fisch, Joseph, War of 1914-15-16, 1916-rev.jpg Offrande, 81 mm, Obverse-small.jpg Fraisse, Edouard, Gallia, Award Medal, 1933 (1960)-combo.jpg