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Society of Medalists Issue No. 73, Nature - Creativity, 1966
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

Society of Medalists Issue No. 73, Nature - Creativity, 1966

From the collection of John Birks

Kuechler&Gruenthal_GenVonEmmichLiege_combo.jpg Lateur, Karl, West Flanders, 1930-obv.jpg SOM#005-combo~0.jpg Legastelois, French Military Preparation, 1916-combo.jpg Lafleur, Abel, Diane-rev.jpg Lesot, Claude, Hans Holbein, 1965-combo.jpg NYU_HOF,_Ralph_Waldo_Emerson~0.jpg Lamourdedieu_Victory&FameAwardPlaquette_combo.jpg Lecroit, Werner, Wine, 1904.JPG