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Sinking of the Athenia by U-boat, 1939

Sinking of the Athenia by U-boat, 1939

Studer_Revox-combo.jpg Goetz_K186_Emperor_Franz-Joseph_I_Death_Commemorative_1916.jpg Goetz,_Franz_Josef_Herz,_1920.jpg Galy_SecouristesFrancais_combo.jpg Guzman-Nageotte, Aleth, La Paix.jpg Goetz_America_s_Peace_Terms.jpg Geerts, Intl. Prehisotric Archeology and Anthropology Congress, Brussels, 1872-combo.jpg Gruen_Woman&FoodTray_combo.jpg Huguenin, Freres, Tribute to Fallen Firemen, Depose, 1913-combo.jpg