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Brussels to Alf. Mabille, 1906
Medal by produced by Wolfers Freres.  The text on the obverse seems to be:

Tu agis avec intelligence
Tu discernes avec tact
Tu justifies la confiance de tous

Google translation from French gives:

You act with intelligence
You discern tactfully
You justified the confidence of all

Translation of the reverse is:

Brussels to Alf. Mabille

Alfred Mabille is a street in Brussels -- possibly the location of Wolfers Freres.

Brussels to Alf. Mabille, 1906

Medal by produced by Wolfers Freres. The text on the obverse seems to be:

Tu agis avec intelligence
Tu discernes avec tact
Tu justifies la confiance de tous

Google translation from French gives:

You act with intelligence
You discern tactfully
You justified the confidence of all

Translation of the reverse is:

Brussels to Alf. Mabille

Alfred Mabille is a street in Brussels -- possibly the location of Wolfers Freres.

De_Lue,_Donald,_Saint_John_of_Beverley_Medal,_1959.jpg De Jaeger, Saint Louis-combo~1.jpg Frei, Hans, Swiss Gratitude to Americans, 1918-obv-small~0.jpg DeRudder,_Memory_of_URBSFA_Members_who_Died_for_their_Country,_1926-combo~0.jpg Delannoy_JudgmentOfParis_R_combo.jpg Delpech, Jean-Marie, Marianne, Race Porcine Craonnaise, 1909.jpg Dropsy_Apollo_1935.jpg de_Costa,_Silvestre,_Bodas_de_Oro.jpg Delannoy,_Victory,_uniface.jpg