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King of France Series, #58, Francois I, 58th King of France

King of France Series, #58, Francois I, 58th King of France

Goetz-Baron von Hunefeld-combo.jpg K297_The_Rutli_Oath_1923.jpg Fraser_Laura_Chaplain_Medal.jpg Schabel, Robert, Victor D. Brenner Commemorative Medal-combo~0.jpg Benard, Raoul Rene Alphonse - Early Auto Racing Medal, 1910, Awarded 1930-combo.jpg Chaplain, St. Michel and the Dragon, awarded 1933-combo.jpg Borrel_Bescher_Seine_OiseHorticultureSoc_combo.jpg Daniel-Dupuis, CLUB ALPIN FRANCAIS-combo.jpg Wiener,_St_Paul_Cathedral.jpg