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#35, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Elected 1900), by Michael Lantz, 1975

#35, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Elected 1900), by Michael Lantz, 1975

Delannoy, After Chapu, Canonization of Jeanne D_Arc, 1920-combo.jpg Sklodowska_PTCh_bity kopia.jpg Anatole de Cock, Agriculture in Antwerp Province, Edward Deckers.jpg Smith-K_Brookgreen-Stonecarver_Gardens_combo.jpg Delannoy,_Award_Medal-combo.jpg Kuechler&Gruenthal_GenVonEmmichLiege_combo.jpg ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS.jpg Visionary, Cast Bronze, 120 x 105 x 13 mm, Edition of 24.jpg Kxxx,_Zeppelin_Ocean_Crossing,_1924.jpg