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Vimy Memorial to Canadians Killed in the Defense of France During WWI, Reverse by Walter Allward, Obverse by A. De Possesse
Keywords: Walter Seymour Allward world_war_I

Vimy Memorial to Canadians Killed in the Defense of France During WWI, Reverse by Walter Allward, Obverse by A. De Possesse

scan0008.jpg Dubois_P_C_Jules_Janssen_and_J_Norman_Lockyer-Apollo_Studies_of_Solar_Flares.jpg DANAE.jpg Admiral_Vernon_Porto_Bello_Medal_Betts-217,_1739.jpg Vezien,_Allied_Victories_in_Marseille_and_St__Tropez,_1944-obv-small~0.jpg Prud_homme_Foch-LesMedaillesMilitaires_combo.jpg Unsigned,_Tug_of_War_with_Rope,_L_Effort.jpg Offrande, 81 mm, Obverse-small.jpg Dantzell, Joseph, Death Medal of Napoleon III, 1852-obv.jpg