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Self-portrait, acrylic and vinyl, constructed, 80 mm, 2002 (ed. 5 units)

Self-portrait, acrylic and vinyl, constructed, 80 mm, 2002 (ed. 5 units)

Banchot, Leon.JPG Coeffin_SocieteD_EncouragementAuProgres_combo.jpg Brookgreen_Gardens_2005.jpg Wissaert, Paul, Reverse of A Mes Chers Parents, 1909.JPG Bazor, Compagnie de Navigation Sud-Atlantique, 1931-combo.jpg Vernon,_Jean,_Jean_de_la_Fontaine,__Perrette_et_le_Pot_au_Lait_.jpg De Bremaecker, Eugene, Award Plaque, ND, this ex 1970-small.jpg Goetz_City_of_Laufen_Bavaria_Notgeld_5_Pfennig_1981.jpg SOM#056-combo.jpg