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HARVENT Rene -  Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans (obv.)
HARVENT Rene (1925-2004 )
1971	Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans - 90 mm
Aetatis suae LXIX - Carpent tua poma nepotes (At age 69 - That youth may pick your apples, with a reference to the professor's name)
1940 Secretario societatis belgiquae ophtalmiologiae 1701
opus 12  - Prix Tourneur 1973

HARVENT Rene - Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans (obv.)

HARVENT Rene (1925-2004 )
1971 Dr. I.P.M. Appelmans - 90 mm
Aetatis suae LXIX - Carpent tua poma nepotes (At age 69 - That youth may pick your apples, with a reference to the professor's name)
1940 Secretario societatis belgiquae ophtalmiologiae 1701
opus 12 - Prix Tourneur 1973

Ovidius_2009.jpg MOCQUOT - Lubicz-Milosz R.JPG HARVENT - Appelmans B.jpg GAUDAEN - Temse Watersport.jpg HARVENT - Appelmans A.jpg NEUJEAN - M.Leroy A KL.jpg Sara_H__wax_2.JPG medaille_Orwell_2006_klein.jpg Morning.JPG