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1838 Victoria Crowned
BHM #1834 Brass, Rarity "RRR" Extremely Rare.

Reverse says " By Trampling on Liberty I lost the Reins" with St. George slaying the British Lion!

I have traced the saying back to a 1830 Medal BHM#1442 Earl Grey Appointed Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington was trampling the Lion on that piece.

It is also on a William IIII medal BHM #1724

1838 Victoria Crowned

BHM #1834 Brass, Rarity "RRR" Extremely Rare.

Reverse says " By Trampling on Liberty I lost the Reins" with St. George slaying the British Lion!

I have traced the saying back to a 1830 Medal BHM#1442 Earl Grey Appointed Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington was trampling the Lion on that piece.

It is also on a William IIII medal BHM #1724

Van der Stappen, Charles.jpg de_Franca_Erotic_Medal.jpg Lauser, Ernest, Zodiac Calendar Medal, 1974-combo.jpg SOM#065-combo~0.jpg Vrije_Schutters_Berchem,_1910,_aan_Mr_M__De_Vos_(Prijs_Albert_Koning_der_Belgen).JPG Berardo,_Vasco,_Handicapped_Children,_1981-combo.jpg Miguel,_T_,_Lions_Club,_Portugal,_VI-small~0.jpg Quattrocchi,_Edmondo,_NYU_HOF,_#85,_George_Westinghouse_(Elected_1955),_1963-combo~0.jpg Colorado_Section,_American_Chemical_Society_Award-Small.jpg