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Award Plaque
Keywords: female

Award Plaque

Doumenc, Eugene-Batiste, Artemis Medal.jpg Delannoy,_Artemis.jpg Lenoir, Pierre-Chargles, Automne, ca. 1929.jpg De Bremaecker, Eugene, Award Plaque, ND, this ex 1970-small.jpg De_Bremaecker,_Award_Medal-obv.jpg Boullaire_and_Tschudin,_Tahitien_-_Compagnie_de_Messageries_Maritimes,_1953-obv-small.jpg De Rudder, Isidore, Brussels to Alf. Mabille, 1906.jpg Devreese, Centenary of Brazil Independence, 1922-obv-small~0.jpg Devreese, Centenary of Brussels Belgium Royal Society of Medical Sciences-combo.jpg