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First Place Gymnastics Prize Medal - Gand Gymkhana
From the collection of Mark Kaiser

First Place Gymnastics Prize Medal - Gand Gymkhana

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Lemaire, Georges, Ville de Montelimar Music Competition, 1902-rev.jpg Lecroart_FeuxDeTirailleursMauser_combo.jpg Kaufman,_Mico,_21st_FIDEM_Congress,_50th_Anniversary_of_FIDEM.jpg SOM#092-combo~0.jpg SOM#018-combo~0.jpg Lamourdedieu_L_Alimentation_R_combo.jpg Lamourdedieu, Vienne Grocers Syndicate Award Medal, 1926-combo.jpg Lamer_Hygiene_obv.jpg Johnson_ChicagoWorldsFair-Columbus_combo.jpg