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Washington Before Boston, Reverse
From the colleciton of Mark Kaiser

This is a 20th century restrike of a 1776 original.

Washington Before Boston, Reverse

From the colleciton of Mark Kaiser

This is a 20th century restrike of a 1776 original.

Delannoy, Quarantenaire de L_Union des Cooperateurs, Paris, 2 Juin 1957-combo.jpg Dubois-H_LeHavreExpo-GiltLead-combo.jpg Dali,_Salvadore,_1975-obv.jpg Dammann, J-Joire Banquier,1923-detail2~0.jpg de_Gerenday,_Laci,_Brookgreen_Gardens,_The_Natural_and_Fantasy_Worlds,_1987-combo~0.jpg Flanagan, John, Panama Pacific Exposition, 1915-#2-combo.jpg Devreese, Godefroid, Russian Ballet-small.jpg Delandre,_R_,_22nd_Winter_Cup_for_Air_Races,_Paris,_1966-combo.jpg Dropsy-E_ReligiousMedal_combo.jpg